Thursday, June 12, 2008

How To Catch A Cheating Spouse Secrets Used By Private Investigators

“Who Else Wants To Learn Secret Tactics Used By Underground CIA Investigators To Catch Their Spouse Cheating...You Will Soon Know Without a Shadow Of a Doubt If Your Spouse Is Telling You The Truth Or Not...Guaranteed!

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Catch them with their pants down.
Don’t give them a chance to lie ever again!

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The hallmark strategy of cheaters everywhere – lie, lie, and lie some more.

It doesn’t matter what question you ask, a cheater has a pack of lies that will come out of his or her mouth like they’re the total truth.

When you ask any of the following questions, they’ll have an answer:
Where were you tonight?
Why is there lipstick on your collar?
Who is this phone call to?
Why are there unfamiliar charges on the credit card statement?
Why don’t we ever make love any more?
And, on and on…

And, because you love them – are committed to them – you don't want to believe your spouse is actually lying to you, right? And, what evidence do you really have? And, do you really want to know the answer even if they are cheating on you?

The cheating spouse is counting on you feeling all of these things. They’re counting on the fact that their simple lies will be enough…

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Wedding Planning On A Budget

Get some brilliant advice from expert wedding planners and authors Tim and Lisa Spooner.Click Here!

Every other day for the next 14 days, you will receive the following:

Today: Welcome to your mini-course

Day 3: How to get your wedding dress super cheap

Day 5: Make your wedding ceremony extra special

Day 7: Make your wedding day stress-free

Day 9: Save a fortune on flowers

Day 11: Achieve the wedding of your dreams

Day 13: Set your marriage up for success

Day 15: Put your wedding dollar through the super stretcher
Click Here!

You're about to discover the 'magic ingredients' that make some couples live happy and blissful marriages for DECADES and how you can too

4 Ways To Re ignite The Passion
and FIRE In Your Relationship

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First of all: Realize that relationships take work, lots of it. Here's 4 things you need to start doing right away to have the relationship of your dreams.

1. Deeply understand your partner

Several weeks ago, a woman told me that after a few months of marriage her husband hated kids. A man wrote to me to say that he discovered several years into his marriage that his wife had been in prison.

I believe a lot fewer couples would get divorced if they actually knew each other before they got married (or even afterwards). The best way to really know someone is with questions.

Questions about money, careers, the past, sex, religion, kids to name a few. The big questions in life that make all the difference and often remove conflict before it arises.

Money, Children and Sex

* Do you think you could ever give up your current life and move half way around the world for someone you love or for a perfect job?
* Do you think life insurance is a wise “investment”?
* At this stage in your life, do you think you would prefer having children or being child-free?
* Do you think your feelings might change?
* Are you a virgin? If so, do you plan on staying one until you are married?

Home and Origin

* How do you feel about friends, relatives or people in need living in your house for a year?
* Where do you think you would be most comfortable living?
* City or country?
* Near the beach or closer to the mountains?
* Hot, warm or cold climate?

Religion, The Past and Fears

* Are there any types of pets that you refuse to live with (snakes, rats, stray dogs, etc?
* Do you have any phobias, fears or concerns about going to the doctor?
* Do you support (with money and/or time) any charities or causes?
* Do you believe in God?
* What were you raised to believe about religion?
* What were you teased about when you were younger?
* How did that make you feel? Did you tease others?

These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds and hundreds more questions that MUST be asked to really know the person you love and to ensure you stay happily marriage for years to come.

2. Show your love in a UNIQUE way often

When was the last time you said "I love you?" Not just the words… but when did you really put some time and energy into it? Never underestimate how much a thoughtful "I love you" can turn around a relationship. Here's some ideas:

1. Send them a unique gift at work. Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write ‘I Love You’ inside a heart. Next get a large formal envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a formal address label of your partner's workplace, such as: “For the immediate and urgent attention of: Rebecca Jones, Level 20, Collins & Smith Solicitors, New York.” Mail it to your partner so they receive it in the middle of a busy day.

2. Bring back childhood memories. Contact your partner's family and ask if there was anything she always wanted when she was a little girl. For example if she always wanted a porcelain doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you were thoughtful enough to find out what she always wanted. You can do this for your man too.

3. A massage with a twist. Buy a small, decorated cardboard box, a sheet of colored tissue paper, some massage oil and a blank card. Line the box with the tissue paper. Place the massage oil in the box and write the following message on the card: I know a great masseur. For an appointment call: (Your Phone Number)

4. Unique flower idea. Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find it, with a note on it saying: "Thank you for coming into my life."

3. Go on dates (Never stop dating!)

Is dating only for new relationships? NO!

While being with someone for a long time makes it easy to slip into a stable and comfortable routine, the problem is you often lose that spark that made your relationship so special in the first place.

The moral of this story? Never stop dating! Have a water fight, stare at the clouds on a grassy hill, organize a backyard picnic or go to a museum. Dedicate time each week or month to doing fun things with your partner.

4. Spark and fuel intimacy

Probably the most profound way to rekindle the romance in your marriage is to spice up your lovemaking.

Surprise your partner with a little gift after you make love, try a new position, learn to give your partner a sensual massage before or after, or just spend some time staring into each other’s eyes and caressing their bare skin before making love. Many people underestimate the affect passionate and intimate lovemaking has on a relationship.

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Attention all men who don't know how to give a woman Orgasms...

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"You’re About To Learn Secrets
That Most Men (And Women)
Will Never Know About
The Female G-Spot And
How A Few Simple Techniques
Will Allow You To Give Her
Mind Numbing, Leg Shaking Orgasms..."

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Her-Secrets: Seduction Secrets For Irresistible Women

What Do Some Women Have... That Other Women Don't Understand?
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Discover how easy it is to be the best lover he could ever have.

You are about to discover a powerful, new, proven system that will show you how easy it is to be the best lover he will ever know. Discover what every woman has always dreamed of learning!

"Finally, a complete guide that shows you how to drive any man crazy with the secret things you do to him - time-tested lovemaking secrets known by the most seductive women of all time. You will understand exactly how to give your man the ultimate pleasure during your intimate moments together. For adult women of all ages who want to make their marriage or relationship soar to the greatest heights of passion."

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Do you want more intimate love, filled with deep, passionate and sensual kisses from your man?

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Do you want more intimate love, filled with deep, passionate and sensual kisses from your man? Would you like to give your woman more orgasms and feel more manly as a result? Or do you just want to turn good sex into outstanding sex? Just imagine the difference these things would make to your marriage or relationship!

You're about to learn a little secret to spice up your lovemaking even if you're shy or embarrassed and even if you've tried everything but failed miserably…

So if you're ready to add more fire to the bedroom, then keep reading – it may be the most important letter you've ever read…

Michael Webb

Click Here!

Here's Just a Sample of What
You'll Learn Inside…

* 4 different methods to help prevent him from finishing too early (tip #153, 154, 380, 508) p28, p29, p52, p66

* 24 tips and techniques to give a woman's clitoris more pleasure… she'll thank you over and over again after giving her these gifts of pleasure (tips scattered throughout)

* How to make a woman more comfortable in the nude with the lights on… don't be surprised if she wants to do it with the lights on more often after this (tip #124) p26

* A unique way to keep your penis erect longer without pills! (tip #64) p20

* A simple 'trick' to feel more pleasure wearing a condom while still being safe Hint: It's not wearing a thinner one! (tip #417) p56

* 2 natural ways to add length to your penis (one you can even test out tonight) (tip #518, 519) p67

* Ever stopped making love because you're too tired or unfit? This sex position on page 76 shows how to use less energy so you can keep the passion alive longer

* The best light bulb color to intensify orgasms… And no, it's NOT red! (tip #125) p26

* A simple position that gives better access to hit her G-spot… increase the chances of her screaming your name in ecstasy with this little maneuver (tip #281) p41

* 21 tips and techniques to give a man more pleasure during oral sex (tips scattered throughout)

* How to make your man's facial hair softer… enjoy pain-free and itch-free kissing while being intimate with your man (tip #101) p23

* Two types of foods that give guys stronger erections (tip #155) p29

* A little short? That's okay… this little 'trick' will make her feel you deeper and increase her level of pleasure (tip #18) p14

* The one thing you must NEVER do when giving her oral sex… it's actually dangerous and most people don't know about it (tip #51) p17

* Can't get in the mood? No worries, tip #34 on page 16 will help fix that problem

* A simple technique to give him more pleasure with your hand (tip #108) p24

* How to get the kinds of kisses you've always wanted from your man without saying a single word… avoid crushing his sexual confidence and self-esteem using this tip (tip #59) p18

* A unique way to use perfume and colognes that can get your partner in the mood faster (tip #502) p65

* 10 illustrated sex positions with descriptions to spice up your lovemaking… (page 71–75)

* 6 adventurous sex positions with descriptions and pictures (page 76–78)

* 4 unique places to make love… if you're bored of the bedroom, this may add a new level of excitement to your lovemaking (tip #47, 170, 198, 506) p17, p30, p33, p83

* One thing you should stop doing during sex because it decreases pleasure… best of all it's very easy for most people to stop doing it (tip #430) p73

* Is your man too long? This simple technique will stop him from penetrating too deep (tip #391) p65

* Understand 'sexy talk' and how it differs for men and women (tip #242, 244, 245) p37, p38

* What 'restrooms' have to do with women's G-spots… learn how to give her more sensation and pleasure with the same effort (tip #477) p62

* A creative and romantic way to make love in your own backyard (tip #100) p23

* A sex game you can play while watching TV… And no, It's NOT watching porn! (tip #79) p21

* A striptease is a great way to excite your partner but do it wrong and it could kill the mood… here's 7 keys to a great striptease to drive your partner wild! (tip #76) p21

* The 3 DO's and DON'Ts of preparing a striptease for your partner (tip #498) p64

* The TRUTH about Kama Sutra and why it's NOT so great (page 6)

* A unique way to top off a lovemaking session that could make it a truly unforgettable experience… you'll wonder why you never thought of this before (tip #115) p25

* A little-known secret to invigorate someone who is too tired for sex… enjoy more sex and intimacy together (tip #60) p19

* A 'yucky' chemical often found on condoms that could cause stinging and unpleasantness… avoid these when shopping for more supplies (tip #158) p29

* Thinking of getting a vibrator? Don't buy one until you've read this important information… miss this and you might end up wasting your money! (tip #163) p29

* The HUGE mistake partners make during sex… do this and your partner may feel rejected and upset… Hint: It's got nothing to do with 'performance' (tip #182) p31

* Combine these two things for a unique sensation when giving oral sex … surprise her like she never thought possible with this technique (tip #274) p41

* Two smells that can instantly increase penile blood flow by up to 40% (tip #75) p21

* The biggest mistakes guys make giving oral sex …please her with this oral sex tip instead (tip #354) p49

* 3 things that lower your testosterone levels (continue and they may eventually make your erections impossible) (tip #49, 332) p18, p47

* Lubrication Guide: 5 types of lubricants reviewed including PROs, CONs and tips for using them properly… three types of water-based lubricants, one silicone and one oil-based too (page 70)

* 9 scented oils that are said to increase sexual arousal (tip #202) p33

* Two foods, when combined, that make a natural, edible lubricant (tip #329) p46

* The best way to increase your natural sexual drive (tip #378) p51

* The month a man's testosterone peaks… this is the perfect time to go on a romantic vacation (tip #53) p18

* A SUPER FOOD that can increase your sexual drive, sexual potency, fertility and even energy levels (tip #203) p33

* The 'window of opportunity' during a woman's cycle when she's most likely to climax… time it right and she could enjoy it much more (tip #481) p63

* And much more

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For powerful, proven Save Marriage advice, read on.

I've seen miracles worked with troubled marriages that appeared to be absolutely beyond repair. Many couples have bounced back from a vast range of seemingly irreversible problems, such as:

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* unresolved conflicts
* extra-marital affairs
* lack of intimacy
* excessive fighting
* ineffective or not enough communication
* not enough quality time for busy schedules
* a suffocating partner
* children issues
* trial separations
* and many more complex and difficult situations

Does any of this sound familiar? I strongly believe that with the right information, virtually anyone can have the marriage of their dreams because I've seen first hand what works.

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Stop a Divorce Stop Feeling Rejected

Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

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Do you have these symptoms?

-Leaving the radio off because every song makes you cry

-Loss of appetite

-Binge eating for comfort

-Calling your ex several times a day

-Text messaging and emailing constantly (Text Message Terrorism)

-Constantly checking your email and voice mail to see if he/she called

-Not going out because you are afraid to miss a call

-Thinking non-stop about why they REALLY left you

-Feeling massively depressed

-Feeling urges to spy on them

-Endlessly rehearsing what you should have said

-Endlessly rehearsing what you will say if you bump into them
Click Here!

…and when you do get a hold of them, it usually turns ugly because without a clear plan of what you are supposed to do…what happens? P-A-N-I-C...defensiveness...arguments...and then it gets really nasty.

Do you make these mistakes with your ex?

-We try to convince them we are the love of their life

-We will apologize profusely for everything

-Promise to change for good this time

-Try to get them to see that it wasn't really our fault

-Even beg with them to take us back

…and of course with every word we utter, regardless of our intention, the more and more defensive, angry and distant they become.

Click Here!

one thousand Questions for Couples

1000 Questions for Couples

Here are the topics the 1000 questions are divided into:
Personality, Feelings & Emotions
Health, Food & Well Being
Morals, Convictions and Beliefs
Religion & Spiritual Matters
Car & Driver Holidays & Celebrations
Home & Home Life
Past & Future
Hobbies & Entertainment
Love, Romance & Date Nights
Friends & Family
Career and Education
Relationships – Past & Present
Children & Child Rearing
Wedding & Honeymoon

Click Here 2 READ MORE!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Orgasms have certain health benefits attached to them

Health benefits of the male orgasm

If sex is the sweet part of a relationship, then orgasm has to be all that delightful chocolate they put in my favorite sweet things. Jokes aside, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that holds together the other aspects of a relationship between two people. And orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session. The pleasure that makes the tight worlds of intimate relationships go round.

What is less known is the fact that orgasms have certain health benefits attached to them. Indeed, it’s more than just the feeling of well-being that we all have after sex. Recent studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of men as any other function of their bodies.

In the early 1950s, Doctor Alfred Kinsey started releasing the studies into the sex lives of men and women that made him famous all over the world. One of the Kinsey reports proved that sex reduces stress and that people who have frequent sex and orgasms are less violent and less hostile than those who seldom engage in sex. This means that sex and orgasms have a long-term effect of calming down a person and helping keep the psychological balance.

Moreover, later studies showed that frequent sex and orgasms translate into lower death rates for both men and women (Duke University, 1970s and Caerphilly, 1997) lower risk of heart attacks for women (Psychosomatic Medicine, 1976). American Doctor Ted McIlvenna found that sexually active people draw far more joy from their lives than others and also take fewer sick leaves. Gynecologist Dudley Chapman contended that orgasms help the body to fight infections, a proposition supported by psychologists from the Wilkes University.

More recently, a study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 50 helps dramatically decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men. This study ties in with other research suggesting that regular orgasm in males prevents painful urination in old age. According to these studies, frequent male ejaculation is crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems.

So there you have it, people. It’s plain to see that humans were meant to have sex often and to enjoy it a lot. The body and the mind suffer without the frequent combination of exertion and release brought by sex and orgasms. This is why I’d like to tell you about a pill that makes orgasm all the more powerful. With so many positive sides to it and with practically no disadvantage, there is no reason why you shouldn’t draw even more pleasure out of your orgasm.

volume pills increases the production of sperm in the testicles and the release of testosterone in order to make sure you feel the need for more sex and you get a bigger kick out of it. More sperm means longer and more powerful orgasm. It also means better moods for your lady, as demonstrated by a study conducted by Gordon Gallup. According to this study, semen reduces depression in women via mood-altering hormones that are absorbed through the vagina.

So there you have it! Frequent sex and orgasms are good for both you and your partner and VolumePills can help you last longer and feel even more pleasure. Nothing to lose and a whole lot of pleasure and good health to gain.

Sex Guide Horoscope Positions

CHECK OUT your Horoscope Sex Positions SCROLL to the Bottom of this PAGE TO VIEW Picture... Please LEAVE a COMMENT LET US KNOW what your BIRTH SIGN is

I'm A VIRGO :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Erotic Massage for Lovers and Friends

You getting a message

Erotic Massage. I know I For Sure could use one of these a day.

This one is a delightful kind of massage that always ends with a good, strong orgasm and a cool, relaxed mood, leaving you refreshed and relaxed. The purpose of this massage is to achieve and maintain a high state of sexual arousal for as long as possible before letting things follow their course and bringing the show to a successful conclusion. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation can really benefit from erotic massages because it can get them used to maintaining a certain level of arousal without ejaculating.


Others may choose to use this massage as foreplay or as a method for enhancing the mood and increasing the erotic awareness of both lovers. For this type of massage you may want to get some CDs that are less on the romantic side and more of the stimulating variety; I’m talking about something closer to Billie Myers than to the Best Chill-Out Compilation: Volume 4 or whatever. Make liberal use of scented massage oil and make sure it’s a really spicy brand, not something suited for relaxation.

As always, don’t rush in and start with the genitals. Take your time and give a good all around massage before focusing on the pelvic muscles. Massage these muscles into a welcome state of relaxation that will allow your lover to achieve arousal and yet stay relaxed for a long time. Whisper into her ear how much you want her and how sexy she looks. Complete the massage by moving to the most important parts of the body. Again, don’t rush; if you’ve been taking things slowly thus far, don’t spoil the mood now. Do a good job and remember that a prolonged and strong orgasm is better than a three-second rush to the head. Save the rush for spontaneous sex in the park.

I would love to know what you think does he or she like it when you give long massage or short massage and go in for the private parts? Be Honest...
Post a Comment

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Do you Ever think .... Am I Good in the Bedroom?

Are you having Bedroom Issues: Am I terrible in bed?

I Think all of us at some point in life ask ourself that but Frankly, if you need to ask this question then you already have a big problem. Whether you’re actually bad in bed or just low on confidence, I can’t say. This is up to you to find out, while I’m just doing some explaining for your convenience. The root of the problem lies in the very simple fact that it takes a lot of experience to know if a woman has an orgasm or if she’s faking it. And even experienced men can’t always tell if the woman’s faking it or not.

Bottom line: you can never be sure that your performance is top quality.

Sleeping in school smiley

And that’s even before we take into account slip ups and “that time” when you were too tired or too stressed or you had too much to drink and, well, you know what happened.

animated beer smiley

Unfortunately, these things can erode a man’s peace of mind and confidence and make him suspicious of his lady’s behavior, even if he shouldn’t be. Some times are good and some times are bad and there’s little you can do about it. Loosing confidence in yourself and throwing good self-esteem out the window just because of a slip up is not the way to deal with this.

There are many things that could go wrong, which are not necessarily under your control. We do live in a stressful world and the modern fashion that surrounds a man with dozens of machines in order to allow him to work harder and harder everyday is doing it’s best to ruin sex around the world. I’m sure that many men who have to resort to Viagra would do better to try and relax a little and take things easier.

I Strongly Believe that Stress is one of the great “sex killers” nowadays because no man can truly enjoy himself if he keeps thinking about deadlines, bosses, nasty co-workers or credit card debt.

Aside from its direct impact on performance, stress has some side effects that are just as bad. Some men take to drinking because of it. It always starts small since going out with the guys is fun and hey, we’re just having a few beers. Before you know it the number of beers grows and the “evenings out” turn into “nights out”. Small wonder that a stressed man with a significant quantity of alcohol in his body is not performing in bed as usual. Men need to recognize the early signs of stress in their lives and take control of the situation.

Remember that once you’ve started asking questions about your performance you could easily slide into a pattern where low self esteem triggers a failure, which, in turn, sends self esteem even lower and so on. Try to be a bit more positive about things. You were probably tired or stressed. Or you may need to learn some new positions and break the bedroom routine a bit. Surprise her with a new trick or a fantasy. And if you really have a problem, don’t despair. Every problem has a solution.

I would love to know how you Measure up in the bedroom go ahead and respond to this post.
Please no Spam you are allowed to post a link as a signature at the end of your post. Thank you for Reading my Blog and join in on the Bedroom fun I hope you like Reading about my Dirty little secrets in the bedroom.

Welcome to my Dirty Little Secrets In Bed

Welcome to my Blog about My Dirty Little Secrets in Bed.

If you Are In a Relationship, single, Or Married you will find some Great Tips and Advice. If you are not having Sex or Having too much Sex Lets see what we could do about Changing that. Personally I Don't Think there is any thing wrong with too much sex. Sex Can be good if you know what you are doing well even if you good or bad in bed I'm certain you will fine my blog Interesting so make sure you bookmark it.
